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  • 德国百年钢琴品牌
  • 始创于1840年,历经170余年
  • 世界一百强钢琴制造商
  • 最专业的钢琴售后服务机构
  • 一年包退换,三年包修,五十年保修
  • 免费提供琴行经营系统,专业人士指导,让您实现致富梦。


时间:2019-05-08 来源:哈罗德

1. 没有找专业、正规的老师学习钢琴

Did not look for professional, formal teacher to learn piano.

2. 自学没有人指导纠错的人。

Self-taught people who have no one to guide them in error correction.

3. 没有兴趣。

People who have no interest in it.

4. 为了比较而学琴。

Learn the piano for comparison.

5. 为了考级而学琴。

Learn to the piano in order to pass the examination.

6. 忽略基本功的人。

People who ignore the basics.

7. 不会慢练、分手练的人。

People who can not slow down with practice, or can't practice with hands seperated.

8. 坚持不了的。

People who cannot insist.

9. 不会聆听自己演奏的人。

People who can't listen to themselves.

10. 不会正确视谱的人。

People who can't read the score correctly.

11. 老是弹错不纠正的人。

The one who always plays wrong without correcting.

12. 迷信“天赋说”的人。

A person who believes in the "gift theory".

13. 经常找借口不练琴的人。

People who often finds excuses not to practice.

14. 三分钟热度的人.

People with A three-minute fever.

15. 不认可钢琴的人。

People who doesn't approve of piano.

16. 没有琴的人。

People who don't have a piano.
